Disciples Women’s Ministries is composed of members, friends, and guests of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We meet monthly from September through June.
The Daytime Group meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. at Church or in the homes of various members or at the Church. The Midday Moon Group meets at Century 21 on the second Wednesday of each month at noon. Each meeting consists of study, worship, and fellowship. We invite all women to attend either or both group meetings. We also have a monthly service project for local, regional, or international sources. Of course, everyone is welcome to participate in these projects whether they attend the meetings or not.
DWM 2022-2023 Study:
The theme for this year is Freedom: Promise and Struggle in the Bible. One author writes, “At the heart of each story there is struggle, defiance, and cost–and a hope for promise and freedom. We must rise to meet the challenges of life, determined to persevere. The important piece of this Bible study is solidly knowing God is with us during those times. “Women of the New Testament: Finding their Voice” from Just Women, a publication published and written by Disciple women.
Please join us in our journey as we explore this study prepared for us by CCK Women’s Ministries Cabinet. You will be glad you did!
DWM Service Projects 2020-21
August—Backpack Ministry
September—Cravens and Burns Elementary Schools: clothes, school materials
October—Birthday shoe boxes for CASA
November—True North and Bake Sale
December—Christmas Gift Bags for Friends at Home
January–St. Joseph Peace Mission
February—Soup Sale and Arm Chair Bazaar
March—Lenten Lunches
April—Easter bags for Friends at Home
May—Fresh Start
June—Hospice Family Kitchen at Heartford House
On-going Service Projects are:
Flower ministry
Cards to members and friends who are ill, in hospital, experiencing difficulties in their lives
Holiday bags for shut-ins
Food pantry for Burmese and Owensboro community
Luther Luckett Chapel in La Grange prison
Bouleware Center
St. Benedict’s
Cravens and Burns Elementary Schools
Backpack Ministry
Knitting, cooking, and sewing with Burmese women
Mitten Tree for community
Habitat for Humanity
True North